Sexual Savant Salons
Salons are virtual learning experiences. You can take part in your car, your living room or your bed!
These salons run once per year each, and provide the sex education we all ought to have.
Life-changing sex makes anything possible. Come alive.
Vaginal Kung Fu ~ February/March
You can use your sexual power to magnetize what you want into your life–which means you need to be connected to your sexual energy and to your vagina.
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Coming Together Salon for Couples ~ May/June
The essence of conscious, powerful sex is using our intimate connection to transform our lives. This salon will show you how to use your relationship as a vessel for growth, and how to open each other to more love, a deeper connection, and life-changing orgasms.
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The Well F**ked Woman Salon ~ August/September
A well-f**ked woman exudes confidence, sensuality, connectedness and is clear in her life’s mission. In this well-f**ked immersion, we touch on everything from multiple orgasms to DIY 50 Shades of Grey to how to leverage your sex life to increase your cash flow.
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Sexual Mastery for Men ~ September/October
We’ll cover everything from building stamina and becoming multi-orgasmic to communication and how to penetrate women, mind, body and soul. All the tools you need for decoding women and inhabiting your own sexuality and genitals.
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Sexy Mama Salon ~ October/November
All women deserve a natural, ecstatic, consciousness-altering, transformative, self-actualizing and blissful experience.
Your pregnancy and birth can be this way.